I used to publish to this blog far more frequently than any of my others, primarily for one major reason: my passion for the Cincinnati Reds runs very deep.
I didn't stop caring about the Reds since the last time I wrote hear (which is astounding to me to be three years ago this month). However, two things came into my consciousness in that time: Twitter (first and foremost) and a "professional" blog site where I could be more relevant and on a staff of writers to "fill in the gaps" when I didn't write as frequently.
Micro-blogging (in whatever capacity you see it) was revolutionized with Twitter, and my own evolution to the platform only began modestly in 2009. I didn't truly see the value in it until over a year later (started using it more by late 2010), and now I cannot imagine a day without at least checking it for current information. News breaks faster, information flows more freely ... the platform doesn't constrain, it's easy to use, and the character limits FORCE conciseness. If you need to say more, you link to somewhere (like this) where it makes more sense.
Where will you most likely find me (as of the end of April 2013, as the calendar is about to flip to May)? Probably here: http://twitter.com/JDRentz
And also here (I do continue to write longer pieces and specifically Reds-focused as well): http://BlogRedMachine.com/author/JDRentz
Otherwise, the updates I make, if sparingly, to this blog will be few and irregularly. I appreciate you finding your way here, nonetheless.